Friday, April 18, 2014

Latest Poetry Reading

This is a children's poetry book, but I enjoyed it all the same! "What the Heart Knows: Chants, Charms and Blessings" by Joyce Sidman with amazing illustration by Pamela Zagerenski. It is a quick read, heartwarming and really creative. Curl up, read it and even say one of the charms, chants or blessings out loud! I think we can all use some enchanted words at some point in our lives.


Thursday, December 20, 2012

Stopping, Listening and Learning

Waking up this morning, I was filled with gratitude and peace. So much of the time, there is frustration, confusion and doubt. However, while going about my day and I heard a message. A still, small voice that said, "stop, be quiet."  Have you ever just stopped? Listened and stood still in time? It was a personal invitation to a deeper realm. A deeper realm that is always there. There is so much love and peace in this realm. Doubt and fear don't live here.

More and more, I realize that there is no need to doubt or to live in fear. One of my affirmations is,"My life is good and things always work out for me." I've found this to be true so many times. The year 2012 has been about learning to trust and reaffirming my beliefs in myself, my talent and my community. Writing down what I wanted out of this year made such a difference for me. I look forward to mapping out what I want in 2013.

I feel like I've been blessed and tested and I am grateful for every experience I've had this year. I'm learning to be thankful for challenges and to know that they can be beneficial. It is my hope that in spite of all the challenges you've faced this year that your hope and belief in humanity still exits. That you, that we, still go after our dreams. That everyday we live with courage, love and concern for our planet.

Affirmation Source:
Mat Boggs and Robin Palmer
"My Wealthy Wake Up Call"
 It's call #1. It's $0.99 and worth every penny.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Thank God for friends

I had a great rehearsal with my friend Samantha Fontana today. I always have a renewed sense of purpose and commitment to my dreams, every time I speak to her. She motivates me to pursue my goals with everything I have.

We are doing a scene from David Rabe's, "In the Boom Boom Room." Even though I would probably never be cast as Chrissy, it is such good practice for me to work on this scene. We have our first showing tomorrow and I feel really good about it.

It is so nice to work with someone who pushes you to do your best work and who is not afraid to be honest with you. I feel lucky to have such a great network of friends and fellow artists who continuously inspire me.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Time to get in shape!

Wow! After my first acting class in months, I didn't feel so hot. I wanted to criticize my acting ability and go on a negative tirade. However, since I swore to never say anything negative about myself, I couldn't. Even though I am feeling stressed about where I fit in within this industry, I am trying to look on the bright side. Class today made me realize that I have some work to do. Instead of trying to find all the answers to everything I am trying to figure out, I am going to take baby steps. I am going to focus on this class, give it my all and get back into shape. I am looking forward to it. For now, all the other stuff will have to take a back seat.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Baby Steps

Lately, I have been feeling at a loss when it comes to what steps to take in pursuing my acting career. I know where I want to be but I don't know how to get there. I have to remind myself that Rome wasn't built in a day and I have to be patient with myself. Doing a little every day is what I need to focus on. I feel that this blog, will be one of the baby steps that I will be happy that I made.